4 Things You Might Not Know About Whiplash in Dallas TX

4 Things You Might Not Know About Whiplash in Dallas TX

4 Things You Might Not Know About Whiplash in Dallas

Whiplash is a common enough injury that you may have heard of it, and may assume you already know what it is. Dallas TX chiropractors see patients with whiplash regularly, and one of the things they notice is how much misinformation there is about whiplash. This is a serious injury that can truly disrupt your day-to-day life. It’s also very common. Let’s clear up some of the most popular misconceptions about this injury.

1. It Doesn’t Just Happen In Car Accidents

Yes, whiplash is a common injury from car accidents. No, that’s not the only place this happens.

Whiplash happens when the neck moves rapidly backward and then forward. This type of abrupt force happens in minor fender benders and major car accidents. It also happens while participating in athletic events, falls, and other accidents. While whiplash can certainly happen when getting hit during an event like boxing, it can also happen in gymnastics or while snowboarding.

2. The Impact Doesn’t Have to Be Major

In the case of car accidents, people often think that if the vehicle was moving slowly, whiplash couldn’t possibly happen. In fact, if you were hit by a vehicle in a parking lot moving at five miles per hour, you could still suffer from whiplash.

3. Resting For a Few Days Will Not Make It Better

Chiropractors wince and cringe at this advice. When you suffer from whiplash, your neck may feel still. You might be extremely tired and have headaches. You could also be dizzy. These types of symptoms make you feel like resting your neck is the right solution.

This doesn’t mean you should push yourself too hard. Instead, seek out the care of a Dallas TX chiropractor. They can perform spinal manipulation to get your pain and other symptoms in check. This is a gentle method that helps the body naturally recover. They can then also talk to you about healthy ways to move your neck, shoulders, and arms to keep your body in great shape while you recover.

4. You May Not Notice Your Symptoms Right Away

After the shock of an accident, it is common for people not to feel any symptoms from whiplash. If you suspect your head has moved in such a manner though, it’s a good idea to call your chiropractor and make an appointment right away to get checked out.

It can take several days for the symptoms of whiplash to set in, but once they do, they can be terrible. You may experience stiffness and pain in your neck, shoulders, and upper back. You can be dizzy, exhausted, experience headaches, or have a tingling sensation. These symptoms can get worse the longer you go without care. The worse your whiplash is, the longer it can take to recover. Many people take two to three months to recover from whiplash.

Chiropractic Care Can Help in Dallas TX

You may be surprised if your neck hurts and your chiropractor examines your entire spinal column, but your chiropractor is there to ensure your health is the best it can be. When you make an appointment after an accident, your chiropractor will ask you a lot of questions to make sure the bases are covered and any unknown injuries are discovered.

They will talk with you about plans for moving forward. This will likely include chiropractic methods to naturally help your body stay in alignment. It will also include at-home options you can use to relieve any symptoms you’re experiencing.

If you’ve been in an accident, don’t wait to get help. Call Hanks Chiropractic Center right away and avoid the troubles whiplash can cause.



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Hanks Chiropractic Center

11411 E NW Hwy # 107
Dallas, TX 75218

(214) 343-2225
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